


Sample Legalmaster Billing Statements

Legalmaster is capable of printing billing statements in a virtually unlimited number of formats. A utility that we call the Table of Statement Characteristics lets you specify the form and content of your bills. You may create up to 100 of these tables and assign a different one to each of your clients or matters.

As a result, Legalmaster remembers from month to month what you want each of your client's bills to look like.

The samples below reflect a handful of the options available to you. Some of these samples appear elsewhere on our web site; we've consolidated them here for your convenience.

  1. The first sample bill below demonstrates Legalmaster's ability to "string" multiple entries for the same date and timekeeper showing the time for each component.

  2. The second sample includes a retainer account.
  3. The third shows Legalmaster's split billing capability.
  4. The fourth bill is similar to the third, but has the fees sorted by task rather than by date.
  5. The fifth bill shows an esoteric way of displaying write-downs.

  6. This sample bill demonstrates Legalmaster's ability to "string" multiple entries for the same date and timekeeper showing the time for each component. Note also the multiple billing addresses, the many lines of matter description and the summary of time (at the top of the second page).


    Laurie's Law Firm
    1440 Broadway Street
    10th Floor
    Oakland, California 94612
    Federal Tax ID: 94-2663290
    October 19, 2007
    Fireman's Fan Assurance
    Janice Queenan
    300 Marlborough Way
    Novato CA 94009
    Fireman's Fan Assurance
    Bob Fedora
    202 1st Street
    Novato CA 94009
    Our identifying code for this case FF-WILSON
    Invoice number 225
    Plaintiff's name: Wilson, Louise
    Insured's name: Durante, James
    Claim number: 407-H-6390005-28-000
    Docket (case) number: 12056
    Date of loss: October 12, 2004
    Adjuster's name: John Sowle
    Adjuster's shirt size: 15-33
    Fee budget: $15,000
    Cost budget: $1.98
    Statement of Services Rendered

    Atty Services rendered Hours Amount
    09/24/07 SLC Lunch meeting with Julia and Eric to
    discuss location of next lunch meeting
    (1.1); Telephone conference with
    Julia and Eric regarding changing
    location of next lunch meeting (.4). 1.5 150.00
    09/26/07 JSR Preparation of articles of dissolution
    per Elliott's request (.7); Review of
    edited articles of dissolution (.4);
    Hand delivery of articles of
    dissolution; stopped by George &
    Walt's Diner on the way (1.3). 2.4 840.00
    09/26/07 LL Edited articles of dissolution for JSR
    (.2). 0.2 25.00
    09/28/07 JSR Conference with opposing attorney
    regarding where he bought his brief
    case (.8). 0.8 280.00
    ------- -------------
    Total professional services through 09/30/07 4.9 $1,295.00
    ------- -------------

    Page 2
    Laurie's Law Firm

    October 19, 2007
    Fireman's Fan Assurance
    Our identifying code for this case FF-WILSON
    Invoice number 225
    Plaintiff's name: Wilson, Louise

    Summary Hours Rate Amount
    Jacob S. L. Rubin 3.20 350.00 1,120.00
    Laurie Leiber 0.20 125.00 25.00
    Sarah L. Church 1.50 100.00 150.00

    Costs advanced Amount
    09/26/07 Photocopy charge 0.07
    09/26/07 Postage 0.34
    09/30/07 Golf tees 27.00
    Total advanced costs $27.41
    Total current fees and costs $1,322.41

    Prior balance $16,977.40
    Total amount due and payable $18,299.81

  7. Here's a bill showing a retainer account.


    Rubin, Leiber & Church
    1440 Broadway, Suite 1008
    Oakland, California 94612-2029
    (510) 444-5316 fax (510) 444-5344
    Federal Tax ID: 94-2164941
    February 12, 2007
    Karen Allen
    123 1st Street
    Modesto CA 99999
    Our identifying code for this case ALLEN-MATTER
    Invoice number 1509

    Regarding: This matter demonstrates a retainer account

    Who Services rendered Hours
    01/11/07 PHR Meeting with client regarding court appearance 0.4 80.00
    01/15/07 PHR Telephone conference with opposing attorney
    regarding next week's golf time 0.3 60.00
    01/17/07 JSLR Prepare arbitration evidence statement 1.1 330.00
    ------- -------------
    Total for professional services 1.8 $470.00
    ------- -------------

    Costs advanced
    01/16/07 Filing fee, check number 19667 55.00
    01/19/07 Expert witness fee paid to Lorenz Hartsen, chiropractor 75.00
    Total advanced costs $130.00
    Total current fees and costs $600.00

    Invoice no Credits to account
    02/12/07 1509 Transfer from retainer account to reimburse firm
    for professional services and advanced costs 600.00CR
    Total credits applied to charges $600.00CR
    This is how much you owe us $0.00

    Previous retainer account balance $5,000.00

    02/12/07 Transfer from retainer account to reimburse firm for
    professional services and advanced costs 600.00-
    Net change to retainer account $600.00-
    Remaining retainer balance on 02/12/07 $4,400.00

  8. This next bill demonstrates Legalmaster's split billing capability.


    Leiber, Church & Rubin, P.C.
    1440 Broadway, tenth floor
    Oakland, California 94612
    our federal tax ID number: 94-2626448
    our web site: legalmaster.com

    March 13, 2007
    Fireman's Fun Assurance Company
    Jack Soul
    3333 California Street
    Claims Department
    San Francisco CA 94111
    Our file number: FF-THREE
    Invoice number: 1382
    Plaintiff's name: Diane Bijesse
    Insured's name: Carol Ojeda-Caploe
    Claim number: 100-X45-6500007-38NY009
    Policy number: 33
    Date of loss: 12/5/96
    Adjuster's name: Jan King
    Adjuster's shirt size: 15-33

    Atty Services Rendered Hours
    02/05/07 JSLR Meeting with self proclaimed expert,
    Bawrence Lerman, in his San Quentin office 1.50 412.50
    02/11/07 LL Conference with opposing attorney
    regarding scheduling of next conference
    with opposing attorney 2.50 312.50
    02/12/07 JSLR Appear for no-show deposition of witness,
    left after finishing every magazine in the
    waiting room 4.50 1,237.50
    02/14/07 PHR Filing of documents 3.00 600.00
    02/18/07 PHR Scheduling of trial setting conference 0.30 60.00
    02/21/07 JSLR Expert discovery of Bawrence Lerman, he
    told us all he knew 0.20 55.00
    02/21/07 LL Trial setting conference 0.40 50.00
    ------- -------------
    Total shared fees 12.40 $2,727.50
    Your share of the fees at 50% $1,363.75
    ------- -------------

    Summary Hours Rate
    Jacob S. Rubin 6.20 275.00 1,705.00
    Phillip Rubin 3.30 200.00 660.00
    Laurie Leiber 2.90 125.00 362.50

    Costs advanced
    02/21/07 Filing fee 125.00
    02/24/07 Photocopies 27.50
    02/26/07 Fee for expert witness, Bawrence Lerman. He was worth at
    least twice this charge. 2.50
    Total shared costs $155.00
    Your share of the costs at 50% $77.50
    Total fees and costs through 02/28/97 $1,441.25

    Balance from last bill: $1,375.00
    This is how much you owe us $2,816.25
    30 Days $0.00
    60 Days $1,375.00

    Life of matter
    Billed for fees 2,738.75
    Billed for costs 77.50
    Billed for fees and costs 2,816.25
    This sample bill includes quite a few Legalmaster options.
    Billing statements are available in thousands of formats.
    1) Billings for the life of the matter appear summarized.
    2) We asked the prior balance to appear in aged buckets.
    3) The percentage of the shared fees and costs which are
    the responsibility of this client print with the totals.
    4) We included a totals section for the attorneys' fees.

  9. Here's a similar bill, but this time the fees are sorted by task type.


    Leiber, Church & Rubin, P.C.
    1440 Broadway, tenth floor
    Oakland, California 94612
    our federal tax ID number: 94-2626448
    our web site: legalmaster.com

    March 13, 2007
    Fireman's Fun Assurance Company
    Jack Soul
    3333 California Street
    Claims Department
    San Francisco CA 94111
    Our file number: FF-THREE
    Invoice number: 1382
    Plaintiff's name: Diane Bijesse
    Insured's name: Carol Ojeda-Caploe
    Claim number: 100-X45-6500007-38NY009
    Policy number: 33
    Date of loss: 12/5/96
    Adjuster's name: Jan King
    Adjuster's shirt size: 15-33

    Atty Services Rendered Hours
    Case Assessment, Development and Administration - L100
    02/05/07 JSLR Meeting with self proclaimed expert,
    Bawrence Lerman, in his San Quentin office 1.50 412.50
    02/14/07 PHR Filing of documents 3.00 600.00
    ------- -------------
    4.50 $1,012.50
    ------- -------------
    Discovery - L300
    02/12/07 JSLR Appear for no-show deposition of witness,
    left after finishing every magazine in the
    waiting room 4.50 1,237.50
    02/21/07 JSLR Expert discovery of Bawrence Lerman, he
    told us all he knew 0.20 55.00
    ------- -------------
    4.70 $1,292.50
    ------- -------------
    Trial Preparation and Trial - L400
    02/11/07 LL Conference with opposing attorney
    regarding scheduling of next conference
    with opposing attorney 2.50 312.50
    02/18/07 PHR Scheduling of trial setting conference 0.30 60.00
    02/21/07 LL Trial setting conference 0.40 50.00
    ------- -------------
    3.20 $422.50
    ------- -------------
    ------- -------------
    Total shared fees 12.40 $2,727.50
    Your share of the fees at 50% $1,363.75
    ------- -------------


    Leiber, Church & Rubin, P.C. Page 2

    March 13, 2007
    Fireman's Fun Assurance Company
    Our file number: FF-THREE
    Invoice number: 1382
    Plaintiff's name: Diane Bijesse

    Summary Hours Rate
    Jacob S. Rubin 6.20 275.00 1,705.00
    Phillip Rubin 3.30 200.00 660.00
    Laurie Leiber 2.90 125.00 362.50

    Costs advanced
    02/21/07 Filing fee 125.00
    02/24/07 Photocopies 27.50
    02/26/07 Fee for expert witness, Bawrence Lerman. He was worth at
    least twice this charge. 2.50
    Total shared costs $155.00
    Your share of the costs at 50% $77.50
    Total fees and costs through 02/28/07 $1,441.25

    Balance from last bill: $1,375.00
    This is how much you owe us $2,816.25
    30 Days $0.00
    60 Days $1,375.00

    Life of matter
    Billed for fees 2,738.75
    Billed for costs 77.50
    Billed for fees and costs 2,816.25

  10. This option lets you show your client, transaction by transaction, how much time you're not charging for. These write-down hours are shown on the bill in the "Discount" column.


    Laurie's Law Firm
    1440 Broadway
    10th Floor
    Oakland, California 94612
    Federal Tax ID: 94-2663290
    October 22, 2007
    Fireman's Fan Assurance
    Janice Queenan
    300 Marlborough Way
    Novato CA 94009
    Our identifying code for this case FF-WILSON
    Invoice number 226
    Plaintiff's name: Wilson, Louise
    Insured's name: Durante, James
    Claim number: 407-H-6390005-28-000
    Statement of Services Rendered

    Atty Services rendered Hours Discount Amount
    10/02/07 JSR Telephone conference with opposing attorney
    regarding selection of ties for upcoming
    court appearance 0.5 0.1 175.00
    10/05/07 SLC Preparation of documents for JSR's court
    appearance next week 0.3 0.1 30.00
    10/10/07 JSR Court appearance in San Francisco County
    Superior Court 0.2 0.1 70.00
    10/11/07 LL Alphabetizing about 2000 index cards that JSR
    dropped 0.9 0.2 112.50
    10/18/07 PHR Meeting with JSR regarding telephone
    conference with Judge Rostov regarding JSR's
    tie 0.6 0.2 111.00
    ------- ------- -------------
    Total professional services through 10/18/07 2.5 0.7 $498.50
    ------- ------- -------------

    Summary Hours Rate Amount
    Jacob S. L. Rubin 0.70 350.00 245.00
    Phillip H. Rubin 0.60 185.00 111.00
    Laurie Leiber 0.90 125.00 112.50
    Sarah L. Church 0.30 100.00 30.00

    Prior balance $18,299.81
    Total amount due and payable $18,798.31